Sunday 30 March 2014

Updated Assignment 1 Letter Shape Script

I decided to redesign my letter today under the permission of eliot and rebekah so that I could do something a little more creative.

I now have both my initials in my letter from two directions  (D and J)

Thursday 27 March 2014

Draft Test Print and prepataion for the real deal

 Today I Printed a draft of my model for the second project on a smaller scale to see how it would turn out, as I had several floating cubes etc within it. Without any surprise to myself, the attractor point(the sphere) and the several tiny cubes surrounding it within close proximity fell apart as soon as I endeavored to separate it from the raft.

However, after speaking to Rebekah the other tutor, it became clear that I had to create my model to EXACT dimensions as listed in the blog address, due to the simple fact that there may be a powerhouse museum expo with our works on display.

I To solve my issue, I created a flat surface panel underneath my entire model to the specific dimensions, allowing my model to fit perfectly with the requirements.

My other issue was that the attractor point - a floating sphere  - was not able to float. I was able to solve this by making my attractor point essentially  have a pole supporting it from underneath, creating a podium style for it to sit upon.

I have to admit, this has been the most fun out of any uni project ive done thus far, simply because I know I am learning skills which will one day make me money - and lets face it, who doesn't like 3d printing?!?!

I have also posted my process of splitting the model into two - simply because the specifications require us to build to an exact size, and well, the printer cannot print that size.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Project 2: Printing Time!

After mucking around, and also with the assistance of my friend Chris, I was able to bend the cubes on the Z axis too.

As you can see, My script has changed significantly now compared to what it was a few days ago. But the hard Work has paid off! :)

Screenshots for reference.

Monday 24 March 2014

Project 2: 2nd Attempt

For the past few days I have spent a fair few hours trying to figure out how to get my boxes to turn on both the x and y axis simulatineously when attracted by the attractor.

With some help I was finally able to do it.

In order to do it however, I had to completely redesign my thinking pattern, as well as my node graph in grasshopper. Note now how my cubes not only turn on both the x, y axis', but the cubes also get bigger as they are further away from the attractor point.

I am really happy with the progress ive made thus far, and I know im pretty far ahead of most at this stage, so I will not be stressing as much now :)

I still want to try and get the whole shape to bend on the Z axis, so if the ball like object is going down the mesh in the middle goes down with it - but this will take a bit more thinking..

X axis movement over 4 stages on the slider

Y axis movement over 4 stages on the slider

Z axis movement over 4 stages on the slider

Thursday 20 March 2014

Project 2 First attempt

For the last few days I have been thinking about ideas for my second project. My first idea, in which I sent to Eliot my tutor, was based around my favorite tv show as a kid - Bey blade. As the spinning top sun, it created a vortex around it, and similarly too, i wanted to do something  like this through a 3d model in grasshopper.

The hand drawing shows my early idea- To have the spinning top (upside down cone) spin and have the pointy parts follow as drawn.

As my idea progressed, I thought about what I was essentially doing - This idea above only made the points move in 2 directions, and so I didn't think it would count as an attractor method.

I kept working on the idea and thought to start very simplistic. I made a base plane and put one dot. My idea was to get a geometric shape to essentially turn to rotate that point where i

After about 8 hours of mucking around, I have this so far.

I am able to drag the point wherever I please, and the cubes follow.

My next idea I want to do is to get the cubes to rotate on both the x and y axis' to get a better effect.

Then, if I have time, I want to make the surface of the cube grid also bend on where the point goes - ie if the point goes higher on the Z axis, it will rise up with the closest point node hooked into the surface.

:) Looking forward to resting on the weekend now ive made significant progress!
moved it.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Project 1: 'D' Letter script with pictures :)

My Final 'D'.

Rather than using voronoi i intersected shaped and then subtracted them to form the desired effect.

The night before its due, and im still working on it valiantly.

Today ive spent the better part of 9 hours working on the Voronoi section of my model.

I made some progress, but then metaphorically hit a wall in thought. I emailed Eliot my tutor and asked him for some guidance, in which he was very, very helpful. It allowed me to go from the stage of my previous images to this stage seen in the current pictures of this post.

Im about 99% done, and I know it. I just cant figure out for the life of me why My voroni isnt deleting the inside part of the D. It seems to be staying to the bounding box, rather than the shape of the D.

Hopefully it will get sorted..

Friday 14 March 2014

More progress

Today I kept messing around trying to get a voronoi 3d overlay so that i could then cut the holes and be ready to export a voronoi wire frame. This is what I have so far without any luck..

As you can see, when I connect the brep to extrude, or any other similar node, I get this effect all over the D. I want to localise it within itself so that when I cap it, the solid faces disappear leaving only my desired wire looking voronoi 3d shape.

Scripting In Progress...

Today I sat around for a few hours trying to think of ways to get the honeycomb effect working on my model. I tried several voronoi 3d combinations, but couldnt figure out where to link it all up. Hopefully I will have some more luck tomorrow.

On a more positive note, I have flattened out my current model of the D I made and I have now highlighted the edges with the assistance of my tutor. This has allowed me to get ready to export..but I still want to make the letter look a lot better. Im not happy with where I am currently at, even though its met the requirements. I feel as though I need to push myself to achieve the best possible marks.

Here is a quick snapshot of my script now.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Project 1: D

Project 1 Requires us to create a 3d model of our first initial in grasshopper using the appropriate scripting techniques shown to us by the tutors. My letter is 'D', and so this is what I have done so far.

All I need to do now is flatten it out, import it into illustrator, and cut away :)