Saturday 31 May 2014


 Yesterday I tried 3d printing my gear wall facade. For some reason, almost every machine was completely stuffed. The one machine I could get working didn't print properly and screwed up halfway through. If we are to 3d print our models by Wednesday...well..lets just say that is very very very wishful thinking..lets do the math shall we..about 40 -50 students..6 3d printers or so - 1-2 of which are actually functional haha..oh im so stressed its not funny..ive come in a few times over the past few weeks..and none of them have been functional anymore than they were the other day..

Anyways here is a picture of 'gears'. As you can see..the print stopped when the gears were no more than 1/8th of their thickness...I really don't know how Im going to get anything done by Wednesday..

My stadium alone will take days to 3d im really not sure how im going to be able to do this.

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